Selections from Oded Zehavi YouTube Channel
Oded Zehavi, Concerto No. 1 for flute and orchestra, mvt. III 'slowly and heavenly'
Noam Buchman; flute, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, Israel Yinon; conductor. A production of Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, 2009. In memory of Israel Yinon (1956-2015). Slim Dog Music, ltd. 2015
Oded Zehavi, 'Lonely Bird' record release Promo 2
Promo for 'Lonely Bird' record release showcase (March 3, 2015, Stricker Conservatory, 8:30pm). Modern Hebrew Lieder for soprano and piano. Claire Meghnagi, soprano and Irena Friedland, piano. Slim Dog Music, ltd. 2015
'The Three Ravens'
The classic English ballad arranged for soprano, flute, cello and piano by Oded Zehavi. Claire Meghnagi; soprano, Michael Melzer; flute, Adiel Shmit; cello and Irena Friedland; piano. Recorded by Rafi Eshel at Eshel Sound Studios, Tel Aviv. Slim Dog Music, ltd. 2015
Nick Cave at Palacio de Congresos, Madrid 2015
A bit of the end of 'Higgs Boson Blues'.
Oded Zehavi - "Ashrei HaZor'im", for 2 Pianos in 8 Hands, Choir & Strings / MultiPiano
"MultiPiano" Ensemble: Tomer Lev, Berenika Glixman, Daniel Borovitzky, Raviv Leibzirer
Tel Aviv Soloists Ensemble / Tel Aviv Collegium Singers /
Barak Tal - Conductor
Live / Israel Conservatory Hall, Tel Aviv / October 2013
Kerman Mandolin Quartet - Intermezzo (Oded Zehavi)
Kerman Mandolin Quartet
Jacob Reuven: Mandolina I / Mari Carmen Simón: Mandolina II
Fabio Gallucci: Mandola / Vincent Beer-Demander: Mandocello
44 Festival Internacional de Plectro de La Rioja
Auditórium Ayuntamiento de Logroño. La Rioja. 30 de agosto de 2014
Organizado por ConTrastes-Rioja
Oded Zehavi's Villa-Lobos arrangements for guitarist Liat Cohen's CD with Natalie Dessay, Agnès Jaoui, Helena Noguerra. Erato 2014.
Natalie Dessay, further exploring musical territories beyond opera and classical song, visits Rio de Janeiro, the city that will host the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. She is joined by guitarist Liat Cohen and two actress-singers, Agnès Jaoui and Helena Noguerra, in this encounter between France and Brazil.
Oded Zehavi: Two Gypsy Songs: 'I am not Sorry' and 'Even My Soul Feels the Pain'. Texts from 'Gypsy Cante, Deep Song of the Caves) by William Kirland. Soprano; Coraine Tate, piano; Adam Whiting. Live recording by Alan Bise at the Cleveland Institute of Music, September 2015.
MakesoundD Music & Dance Projects (Ayelet Cohen, choreography). "Windmill" and "The Map", Suzanne Dellal Dance Center, June 2015. Music by Oded Zehavi, Margalit Gafni; flutes.